Wednesday, November 16, 2016



Hey all my awesome friends! *Waves* I miss all of you like crazy! (or at least MOST of you) *wink*

Well I’m doing a thanksgiving thing again so let’s get started!

I’ve done and been through a ‘stuff’ this year and I have learned a ton of amazing thing and of those thing is to be thankful. As Americans we are spoiled, yes we have to work to get money  to pay for thing that we need, but we can be thankful that there are lots and lots of opperintuantys for jobs. Here in America we have so much freedom and I know that nowadays are freedom seems to be slipping from our hands, but we have so much, we can say whatever we want to say without anything ‘bad’ happening to you  (I know that's not true all the time but it is more or less). I could say anything I want about how much I think Hillary sucks (and that's a very light word to describe what I really think of her) ;)  One of the big freedoms we have in the U.S. is we can openly worship God and read his word. As must (or all) of you know other countries get killed for so much as having a bible in their homes. It’s truly amazing that we have a country that allows us to worship our Maker.
  I believe as Americans we take a lot of things for granted. I recently heard a really devastating story about orphans and orphanages in russia! IT’S AWFUL! It’s so awful I don’t even wanna talk about it. Anyway it really made me thankful for what we have here. Most of us have plenty of food to eat. We say we are ‘starving’ but we have no idea what it feels to be ‘starving’ in our house anytime we say that dad or mom says “You don’t know what starving is let me show you pictures of starving people” and us kids are always a little horrified when we see real starving people.
   We take houses for granted, just imagine sleeping out on the streets in winter with on blankets no anything just sleeping on some random bench where you can’t get comfy for the life of you, And then in the summertime the sun beating down on you all day long. With strangers around you all the time.
    Then there’s all the little things like silverware and shoes and clothes and bed, tables, phones, books, pens paper, animals, sleep, movies, doctors, a big one for me (since I have AWFUL eye sight) is glasses (That you put on your face! XD) though drinking glasses are super nice too! And I could go on and on. Just think about you hands earlier this year I broke my right hand (and I’m a righty) so I could not write (which I LOVE doing) I couldn’t pick up stuff etc… It really made me thankful for my little ole’ hand! Just a little bit ago I hurt my foot so now I can’t walk *sad face* so now I’m realizing how much I like mee footsy XD!!! Think about your eyes!! There really amazing! I know I would just die if I was blind and could not see anything but blackness!
    I saved the biggest thing that we should be thankful for, for last because it is the most important. Our Salvation! The thing that we should be most thankful for is our Savior! When you think about he did for us. How he Humbled himself came down to earth to suffer, and teach and save and lived a perfect and die a horrid death and rose from the dead for us. (And that’s saying it very briefly) The greatest thing is that he chose us!! He did it all we did nothing, And we definitely didn’t do anything to deserve it!! If you think about what Christ did and went through most of our ‘problems’ look really lame. (just sayin’) (yeah and I just had to say that!) #youknowwhatnevermind #faceplant!  

    And now that I’ve given you the lecture that you greedy people need to start being thankful it’s time for the “FUN STUFF” *mischievous look*

  I LOVE thanksgiving! When I think of thanksgiving I think of FOOD! Ok  yeah food and laughter and family and FOOD and umm FOOD??? XD and fun! :) But really people I don’t understand it. We all (if you're anything like your family) work in dah kitchen for like three days making all the FOOD!! :p it’s hot in the kitchen (Mainly cause all the girls are in there!) *wink* Ok sorry I just had to say that! XD but really it’s hot mess! Though the FOOD smells amaze! (No really it’s MY PIE that I MADE that is the thing that really smells good) *cough* #thoughmypieisreallyepic! :)

Long ago, Long Long ago….
In the great Boureston kitchen there was a girl whose name *cough* we won’t mention the name of the ‘girl’ though it’s fairly obvious! :P Well anyways this ‘girl’ was in the kitchen working like crazy to make the most amazing apple pie that is out there. For she was in a very intense contest to see which of the bourestie (which is the Boureston’s nickname) kiddos makes the best pie, for everyone who lost would have to make Daddo B pie with only 100 calories in it for a whole year till the next contest but the worst part was the all the people who lost had to watch Daddo B eat the pies every single night!
  This girl worked all night. She tried every apple pie recipe that’s out there but none of them seemed just right so she thought I’ll just make my own recipe. So that’s exactly what she did. Two hours later she had made the best pie in the whole world.
 That night was the night they had to bring their pies to the Daddo B and it would determine their future. The contestants names were
  1. Ella B
  2. Annie B
  3. Audrey B
  4. Rebekah B
  5. Penny B
  6. And ‘The Girl’

The Nervous Contestants walked into the dark kitchen where they had spent the past week trying to make the best pie!

“Come in come in!” A deep voice called.

All the pie makers walked into the kitchen and slowly walked over to the great Master B.

*speed up*
Sooo he ate the pies said ‘the girl’ won. Everyone else cried to death (okay not really to death but any ways) ‘the girl’ jumped for joy and then went to bed (like a good reasonable girl would) (even thought it was like midnight) *cough* anyway this was a really random silly story that just popped into my head randomly soooooo Now that you are bored to death….


Thanksgiving I really do love thanksgiving. It makes me take more than 30 seconds to think about how much we have to be thankful for, and how good the food is! But mostly I love sitting at our big table which is decorated for thanksgiving laughing talking and eating with family and friends.

In our family we go around the table and say three things we are thankful for. What are so of y’all’s traditions for thanksgiving. What’s Y’all’s fave thanksgiving food?? Mine is definitely pie.

Well That’s all for today! XD Yeah so I know i’m not the greatest at this whole blogging thing but heck at least i’m getting better! :P

Oh BTW I prob won’t be ‘blogging for a little while cause I’m going to CA for two months! (which I can’t wait for!) Ahh laying on the beach with my friends that I’ve known my whole life drinking an in-n-out shake. Sounds like a dream I know (though only true CA ppl know how epic that is.) *squeals* I can’t wait!! :P

Signing out! I hope everyone has a fantastic thanksgiving!
